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MUI HOTLINE 740-310-2255
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The MUI/UI Reporting System exists to ensure the health, safety and welfare of people with developmental disabilities. Incidents that impact a person’s health and safety are reported to ensure immediate assistance and protection.
MUIs can be reported to the County Board by staff, people with disabilities, families, providers or the general public.
Mandy Jackson, MUI Coordinator
740-695-0407, ext. 365
Email at
What is a Major Unusual Incident?“Major Unusual Incident” (MUI) means the alleged, suspected, or actual occurrence of an incident when there is reason to believe the health or welfare of a person may be adversely affected or an individual may be placed at a reasonable risk of harm, if such individual is receiving services through the developmental disabilities service delivery systems or will be receiving such services as a result of the incident.
How are MUIs different from UIs (Unusual Incidents)An unusual incident (UI) is an event or occurrence involving a person that is not consistent with his/her care or individual service plan, but is not a major unusual incident. Families may be contacted for more information when a UI is reported.
Why are MUIs reported?The MUI system is set up to identify the cause or factors leading up to the incident and develop prevention plans to reduce the likelihood of the incident occurring again. All incidents must be reported whether they happen at home, at school, or in the community.
What is the role of the County Board?When the County Board provides supports, it must take immediate actions to protect the person when an MUI such as abuse (including misappropriations) or neglect occurs. The County Board is required to report and investigate MUIs and notify law enforcement (if necessary) or guardians.
To whom are MUIs reported?Mandy Jackson is the MUI Coordinator at the County Board. Incidents may be reported to her at 740-695-0407 ext. 365, or any Board employee. For After Hours Reporting call the MUI Hotline at 740-310-2255. The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities also has a hotline if you have concerns or difficulties in reporting to the County Board. The DODD Hotline number is 866-313-6733.
Why are family members called for information?The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities has established a reporting system to ensure the health or welfare of individuals served by the County Board. Reporting incidents helps us to get a better picture of what is happening and helps us to make improvements in our supports.
What kinds of notices will be received by the family?You may receive a telephone call from a County Board staff member who provides supports for your family member. When the investigation has been completed and recommended for closure, you will receive written notification in cases of reported abuse or neglect. For a list of the Major Unusual Incident categories, click here for a pdf of the Understanding the MUI/UI Reporting System Handbook.
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